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Stargazing Education Program

Unlocking the hidden talent of a child and helping him / her grow into a unique personality, requires removing obstacles in the journey of self discovery. SEP provides necessary tools, resources and motivation to help the child easily pursue an accelerated path of intellectual & spiritual learning. Furthermore, adequate curiosity is imparted to the child so he / she can self-regulate the pace and become confident in applying acquired knowledge to solve problems or learn essential skills required in life.SEP employs a fun-based experiential learning approach that is more enjoyable & productive as compared to the traditional approaches. It also lets the child stay interested, engaged and committed to invest their energies more vigorously to discover the worlds of science, mathematics, languages, social sciences, intelligent design & faith building etc. in a whole new way.


Experiential Learning
Self paced
Fun Activities
Exploring Hidden Talents
Increasing Confidence
Scientific Approach
Faith Building
Essential skills

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